Bird spotting at the Construction Tender briefing - Kranji Marshes

Looking forward to getting the Contractor on board and starting the construction work on the Nature Reserve.

Some of the birds of interest we spotted on our visit:

Purple Swamphens (Porphyrio porphyrio)
Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea)
Yellow Bittern (Ixobrychus sinesis)
A flock of Red-wattled Lapwings (Vanellus indicus atronuchalis)
Several Long-tailed Parakeets (Psittacula longicauda) - our native Parakeet
1 Kingfisher - just a glimpse, probably a White-throated Kingfisher (Halcyon smyrnensis)

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Kranji Marshes Nature Reserve out to Construction Tender

SCLD's Kranji Marshes Project is out to Construction Tender.

Kranji Marshes Environmental Improvement Project Tender has just been published on Gebiz the Govt Tender Website, (5 Feb 2014). The environmental improvement project comprises habitat creation & enhancement, native planting, nest boxes programme,  and the construction of facilities for visitors (boardwalks, carpark, toilets, shelters, bird hides & blinds, lookout tower). 

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Completion of the Eco-Link @ BKE

The installation of the signage on the facade of the wildlife bridge (Eco-Link @ BKE) on 7th Jan 2014.

The signage on the other side of the bridge (the northbound lanes) will be completed over the nights of the 8th and 9th Jan. 

The animals represented on the signage are some of those that will be using the bridge.
 From left to right: a monkey, a mouse deer, a leopard cat, two racket-tailed drongo's, and a pangolin.

Eco-Link BKE 14 SCLD.JPG